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  • One of the principle reasons why the Taliban spread so quickly through the tribal areas in the north west was their promise to provide justice and equality where the state never did.

    Pakistan's corrosive inequality 2010

  • Some 30,000 Pakistani soldiers are rebuilding bridges, delivering food and setting up relief camps in the north west, which is the main battleground in the fight against al Qaida and the Taliban.

    icHuddersfield 2010

  • Some 30,000 Pakistani soldiers are rebuilding bridges, delivering food and setting up relief camps in the north west, which is the main battleground in the fight against al Qaida and the Taliban. - Home 2010

  • To the east beyond the Kunhar river, you can see the snow covered mountain ranges of Kashmir, to the north and north east, the mountains of Kohistan and Kaghan are sighted, and to the north west are the snowy ranges of Swat and Chitral.

    Light Within 2009

  • To the east beyond the Kunhar river, you can see the snow covered mountain ranges of Kashmir, to the north and north east, the mountains of Kohistan and Kaghan are sighted, and to the north west are the snowy ranges of Swat and Chitral.

    Bloggers.Pakistan 2009

  • A pleasing introduction for our emerging technology, digital and biotech businesses in the north west is the new lower corporation tax of 10 per cent for patent income which brings us into line with some of our forward-thinking European counterparts.

    Manchester Evening News - RSS Feed 2009

  • He said: "Every job lost in the north west is a real tragedy, for that person and their family.

    Evening Mail news round-up 2010

  • Peter Middleman, the north west regional secretary for the PCS union, said the unions had had "a fantastic turnout".

    Public sector strikes - Wednesday 30 November 2011

  • * In an opinion piece, Stuart Reeves, MD of Manchester-based video production business Seveer Media, bangs The Drum for the north west.

    MediaCity on Monday: Google boss helps put University of Salford's new campus on the map 2011

  • The university is positioning itself to be deeply embedded within the north west media scene.

    MediaCity on Monday: Google boss helps put University of Salford's new campus on the map 2011


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